Prof. Dr. Rahmi Çubuk

Non-Surgical Thyroid Nodule Treatments

Non-Surgical Thyroid Nodule Treatments

Which Thyroid Nodules Require a Biopsy ?

A detailed evaluation is particularly necessary for individuals with a family history of thyroid cancer or those who have been exposed to radiation, such as those working in jobs that involve radiation or those who have received radiation treatment to the neck for cancer. These individuals are at higher risk for thyroid cancer, and the thyroid nodules in these cases need to be more thoroughly assessed. Additionally, if a patient has a rapidly growing nodule, new-onset hoarseness, or pain in the neck area corresponding to the thyroid region, clinical evaluation of the thyroid nodule is needed. In such cases, a physician’s examination and thyroid ultrasonography are essential.

Which Types of Nodules on Ultrasound Carry a Higher Risk of Cancer?

The size of the nodule plays a critical role, with the risk of cancer increasing as the nodule size grows. Nodules larger than 1 cm, especially those greater than 2 cm, have a higher risk. Ultrasonographically, the presence of small calcifications (microcalcifications) within the nodule or irregular borders can also indicate a higher risk of cancer.

When is a Thyroid Biopsy Performed?

Based on the findings from a physician’s examination and thyroid ultrasound, the characteristics of the nodules are evaluated, and to exclude the possibility of cancer, fine needle aspiration biopsy is performed in certain cases.